The history of the Greyhound
Photo: Butler, P / Beaconsfield Historical Society
We’re very proud of our historic building and we’re so grateful to one of our regulars, Sue, who has pulled together for us a fascinating and detailed history of The Greyhound and its role in Beaconsfield over the years.
For instance, there’s evidence suggesting the building has been in Windsor End since at least 1645 – almost 400 years – and that it may have started life as a pair of cottages.
While there have been many owners and landlords over the years, the Bryant family owned and ran the pub for 61 years between 1753 and 1814.
The entertainment offering has also changed over time: while you could play a game of skittles here in the 1850s, by 1995, you could get a meal and listen to opera singers for just £11.50.
In addition to its place in Beaconsfield history, the pub has a rich tradition of excellence: in 1951, 20 inns in Buckinghamshire were awarded a plaque in recognition of their historical or architectural interest, of which the Greyhound was one.
It is clear the building has been an essential part of Beaconsfield’s community and economy for centuries, providing nourishment, entertainment, and companionship – something that we continue to provide today.